Our Contents:
1) Variables
2) Conceptualization
3) Operationalization
4) Hypotheses
5) Sample size
6) Procedure
1)Variables :
-Right arm blood pressure reading(scale)
-Right leg blood pressure reading(scale)
Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels, and is one of the principal vital sign.
Systolic: The highest pressure within the bloodstream, occurring during each heart beat, because of the systole.
Diastolic:Is the period of time when the heart fills with blood after systole (contraction)
Blood pressure is measured using a BP machine.
For our case we have decided to use the Digital machine.
----> rolled up the sleeve(ARM)
---> rolled up the pants till the cuff (LEG)
---->Before taking readings rest for five minutes. You should be sitting down, preferably at a desk with your arm/leg resting on a firm surface
---->The deflated cuff needs to be tight, but not too tight. You should be able to insert two fingers between it and the skin
----->keep still and silent whilst the reading is taken. Moving and talking can affect the reading
----->Take two or three readings each about two minutes apart. If you take two readings disregard the first and use the second, if you take three readings disregard the first and take an average of the second and third
*Record the reading either in the memory of the machine or on computer or paper. Make sure you keep accurate records – some people are tempted to round the numbers up or down, or to record a lower blood pressure. This can affect your treatment and therefore your long-term risk of stroke and heart attack. Also record any medications you have taken and when, and any other information such as whether you have just eaten or exercised.
H1 :There is a significant, positive relationship between a person’s arm reading and leg's blood pressure reading.
H0 : There is no significant relationship between a person’s arm reading and leg's blood pressure reading.
5)Sample size:
We selected 10 males and 10 females by accidental / convenience sampling.
There were no specific age group or ethnicity
There were no specific age group or ethnicity
2 Digital blood pressure set of the same model were used.
right arm and leg's blood pressure readings were taken concurrently
right arm and leg's blood pressure readings were taken concurrently
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